Deck: UR ThermoControl //Main4 Pyre Hound4 Thermo-Alchemist4 Self-Assembler4 Cathartic Reunion4 Fiery Temper4 Galvanic Bombardment4 Take Inventory2 Boiling Earth2 Clutch of Currents2 Pieces of the Puzzle2 Tormenting Voice7 Island12 Mountain4 Evolving Wilds1 Flame Lash//Sideboard3 Niblis of Dusk3 Negate2 Flame Lash2 Malfunction2 Chandra's Pyrohelix1 Clutch of Currents1 Island1 Eldrazi Devastator Deckstatistik anzeigen
Deck: GW Delirium Midrange //Main4 Angelic Purge4 Bloodbriar4 Desperate Sentry4 Evolving Wilds8 Forest3 Gideon's Reproach3 Grapple with the Past9 Plains4 Self-Assembler4 Terrarion4 Thraben Inspector4 Ulvenwald Captive3 Vessel of Nascency2 Warped Landscape//Sideboard2 Borrowed Grace3 Choking Restraints1 Gideon's Reproach3 Hunt the Weak4 Moldgraf Scavenger2 Pulse of Murasa Display deck statistics
Deck: Alien ahoi! //Main3 Benthic Infiltrator3 Bone Splinters4 Eldrazi Skyspawner4 Evolving Wilds3 Grave Birthing9 Island4 Mind Raker3 Mist Intruder2 Mortuary Mire3 Murk Strider2 Oblivion Strike2 Oracle of Dust3 Prophetic Prism1 Ruin Processor1 Skyline Cascade3 Spell Shrivel6 Swamp2 Swarm Surge1 Wastes1 Wretched Gryff//Sideboard3 Complete Disregard1 Ruin Processor4 Self-Assembler4 Slaughter Drone3 Vessel of Malignity Deckstatistik anzeigen